In searching for the perfect education for my children I came to the realization that what I felt my children needed to succeed in every aspect of their life was either not offered or not easily found. So, me, just a regular mom with a semi-regular upbringing, took it upon myself to find as many programs and teachers, and put them all in one comprehensive portal to make it easy for everyone to find and use. I think most parents, as they are holding their newborn, sit back and go through all the ways they wished their life had been different. When choosing the right education for my children, I went through in my head all the things I wish I had learned at an early age.
I have written about the longing for connection in a previous post, but there is an aspect of it that I have always wanted to take a bit further. That is commonalities. Living in Miami for so many years since childhood, I had become accustomed to a very eclectic group of people. Even though each area has a higher concentration of a specific group of people, for the most part you are surrounded by a fruit salad of races, ethnicities, personalities, etc. This causes people to relate to each other on how they don’t relate to each other. In other words, it’s their differences that makes the connection. When I started traveling, I realized that this is not the case everywhere else, and this only holds true as long as your differences still fit inside the BOX, the standard model of how an American life should be lived.