Quick Start Guide to Homeschooling - Corona Edition
Quick Start Guide to Homeschooling- Corona Edition
You might’ve never thought you would homeschool, maybe you were always the first to say “homeschool? I could never do that!”, or maybe you have always wanted to try it but were too scared or had reservations about it. In a moment in which it appears that the choice of sending our kids to school has been taken away, even if just temporarily, it is important to know that parents have many resources available to help with the transition. As a homeschool mom I know the first week is scary but it certainly doesn’t have to be. There are homeschool parents ready to share their knowledge and lend a hand. Here is a quick start guide with 12 steps to get you started! ...read more
Social Distancing & Infectious Disease
5 Musts in a homeschooling schedule
Educational Videos on the Corona Virus
- Corona Virus Info
How Serious is the Coronavirus? Infectious Disease Expert Michael Osterholm Explains | Joe Rogan
16 March 2020 - Corona Virus Info
CORONAVIRUS | What Is Coronavirus? | Coronavirus Outbreak | The Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz
15 March 2020
- Thoughts on education
A Blueprint for a Strong Homeschooling Foundation.
Editor’s note: follow this author to be notified when each piece of this mindful homeschooling series is published!
“I hear you! Homeschooling my daughters was my choice on my own time!”
Looking back at when I made the decision to homeschool my daughters, what now seems like a lifetime ago, it was not a decision that came easily to me at the slightest.
Karen Matamoros
Karen Matamoros is an alternative education coach and founder of Project: KAring, who decided to homeschool her daughters after a couple of years in the system, taking them on a journey through deschooling, unschooling and, the last few years, road/worldschooling as they travel full time. Click here to get her free 10 tips for flow in home education.
10 September 2020 - Deep Thoughts
These are our children being murdered! We should all be enraged!
“Mom! Have you heard what’s happening?” My preteen daughters uttered in shuttering urgency as they both jumped up to greet me at the door.
The night before I had been up all night watching in real time my friend’s feeds filled with African Americans united in protest, feeling torn between awe and heart break at the first wave of looting that had been instigated by an infiltrator. My heart ached as I knew by morning the wrong person would be blamed and the helplessness became so heavy it made it impossible to clear my head enough to sleep.
In the morning, I left the house without saying goodbye to my sleeping girls, thinking that when I got home, I would sit them down and speak about racism once again. Racism in America has been a big part of our road schooling curriculum and one of the driving forces behind our life as nomads. As we travel the USA, we have encountered all types of racism, for all 3 of our skin tones grades with different degrees of melanin.
31 May 2020 - Thoughts on education
Is There Ever Enough Time?
“Is there ever enough time?”
This would be the phrase that would linger in my mind every moment of every day, as I felt the enormous weight of the relentless workload ahead of me. Running a depleting business, a crumbling household and catering to my children’s whole being seemed like a black hole never satisfied with the timed it sucked in. I always needed more.
I yearned for moments of freedom bursting with the luxury of choice.
Time was a commodity that had to be purchased with money, a creation of the system that gave me very little choice on joining the work force as a means for survival, to avoid homelessness and starvation.
The term financial freedom was a glimmer of hope. I had gone from self-employed to an entrepreneur in hopes of finding the coveted pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that would allow me to work less or at least dictate my own hours, to simply spend time with my daughters or just live life a little.
This seemed like a plausible possibility as a means for freedom until I was hit with the realization that my schooled children had been sucked into a very similar situation.
They didn’t get a choice to opt for freedom from their heavily regulated daily lives, reliant on the school’s tight schedules. They were often inundated by busy work that kept their young minds away from the natural development of exploration of the world around them or their own inner presence and feelings. Socialization was based on social order instead of an organic yearning for friendship. And their afternoons were filled with more busy work at home that they struggled to complete distracted by the craving of a moment to decompress, to just be, or to get a choice on what activity to do.
27 May 2020
- Articles on Education - from other sources
03 March 2020 - Articles on Education - from other sources
Why On Earth Do We Trap School Children Inside Four Walls to Learn?
03 March 2020