In searching for the perfect education for my children I came to the realization that what I felt my children needed to succeed in every aspect of their life was either not offered or not easily found. So, me, just a regular mom with a semi-regular upbringing, took it upon myself to find as many programs and teachers, and put them all in one comprehensive portal to make it easy for everyone to find and use. I think most parents, as they are holding their newborn, sit back and go through all the ways they wished their life had been different. When choosing the right education for my children, I went through in my head all the things I wish I had learned at an early age.
All in all my story is pretty straight forward. I got divorced; I started homeschooling my girls; I sold my business after 10 years of working 16 hour days; And then I headed out on the road. Sure, it wasn’t this clear and simple and it all happened in the span of 2 years, but that is the basics of the whole thing. I was tired of the world I was living in, I was coping with a chronic illness, and I barely had time for my children. Life felt like a black hole. No matter how much I would give, life always wanted more. And no matter how fast I ran there was just no going through the finish line.