In searching for the perfect education for my children I came to the realization that what I felt my children needed to succeed in every aspect of their life was either not offered or not easily found. So, me, just a regular mom with a semi-regular upbringing, took it upon myself to find as many programs and teachers, and put them all in one comprehensive portal to make it easy for everyone to find and use. I think most parents, as they are holding their newborn, sit back and go through all the ways they wished their life had been different. When choosing the right education for my children, I went through in my head all the things I wish I had learned at an early age.
That moment post-divorce when you stop and think that you are ready to try again, that moment for me has been completely elusive and fleeting. I mean, I lived through a ten year marriage, an earth chattering divorce, then the untying of all the pieces that were intertwined with a human being that I currently felt betrayed by, trying to keep the kids unharmed by everything that is happening and all while trying to remember to just breath and live life myself. The process is insane and so much worse than the simplified version I just explained. And after all that, you are supposed to still want to do it again.